Banana Chips vs Plantain Chips | What’s the Difference?

There has never been as much choice on the snack food market. The times when potato chips were the only kind of chips people knew and liked are long over.

Especially people who are more health-conscious are interested in the alternatives to classic potato chips.

Banana chips and plantain chips are alternatives that look healthier, and the packaging often also claims how they are so good for you. But are they?

And are bananas and plantains the same thing? If not, what’s the difference?

In this article, I will have a good look at both options to give you all the answers.

Banana Chips

What Are Banana Chips Ingredients? Bare Baked Crunchy Banana Chips, Strawberry, Gluten Free, 2.7 Ounce Bag, 6 Count (Pack of 1)

The ingredient list for banana chips is – in most cases – refreshingly short. In the case of plain banana chips, the ingredients are just bananas and vegetable oils, coconut oil is a popular oil choice too. If the banana chips are baked, the ingredient list may be just bananas!

When it comes to flavored banana chips or sweetened banana chips, there are usually a few more ingredients; for example, the Strawberry Banana chips (baked) have a shocking ingredient list: bananas and strawberries. Compare that to potato chips!

Sometimes banana chips will have artificial sweeteners to add to the flavor of the chips.

On average, banana chips ingredient lists contain only one to five ingredients.

How Are Banana Chips Made?

Industrially produced banana chips are quite often deep-fried but can also be baked. The steps are generally:

1. Peel and slice the bananas.

2. Deep-fry or bake them.

3. Add seasoning to them.

4. Package them.

Where Can I Buy Banana Chips?

Banana chips can be found in grocery stores – but don’t always expect to see them in the snack aisles. Sometimes, banana chips are classified as a baking ingredient. You sometimes have to look in different aisles to find what you want.

Pro tip: Even if you find banana chips in the snack aisle of a grocery store, you might find a cheaper option in the baking ingredients aisle.

A convenient option is online shopping, and you’ll find a wider variety of brands and pack sizes. Here are some examples:

Bare Baked Crunchy Banana Chips, Variety Pack, Gluten Free, 2.7 Ounce Bag, 6 Count

Unsweetened banana chips are great if the natural sweetness of bananas is enough for you. You can get these in a wide variety of bag sizes, but buying them by the pound often works out cheaper than going for smaller snack packs.

Smaller snack packs, however, are obviously a great solution if you want to take some banana chips with you (for a lunch box, for hiking, as an office snack, etc.).

Banana chips can also come in some tasty combinations, as in this variety pack which combines banana chips with the flavor of cinnamon and strawberry. There’s one pack of each flavor and a plain one in this bundle.

If you prefer a more savory snacking experience, these BBQ banana chips might be to your liking.

What Are Banana Chips Nutrition Facts?

Depending on how the banana chips are manufactured and whether there is any additional sweetener or flavors, the nutrition facts can vary (especially regarding sugar content).

The following is just an average of the most important nutrition values for plain banana chips.

A serving of 1 oz / 30g equals 150 calories.

A normal serving of plain banana chips has 9.5g of fat and 17g of carbs (of which 10g are sugars).

Banana chips also contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals, most noticeably potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C.

Does that mean:

Are Banana Chips Good For Me?

Not really, unfortunately. While they are a better alternative than some other chips, they can still be processed food with a high-calorie count, lots of fat, and sugars.

Yes, they do contain some healthy stuff – but that doesn’t make up for everything else. However, as snack foods go, you could do a lot worse.

The ingredient lists of banana chips are generally short and understandable for the average person – while the ingredient list for some other chips could almost be written in a foreign language.

So, while these aren’t healthy, they also aren’t as bad as other alternatives.

The best way to have banana style chips and to make them a healthy option is to buy or make dehydrated bananas. They are simply bananas with no additional oils or added flavors. Freeze drying is also a good option too!

Read Related:  Is a Dehydrator the Same Thing as a Freeze Dryer?

Do Banana Chips Taste Like Banana?

If you get plain, unflavored banana chips, you will taste a banana flavor, but it will be sweeter than a fresh banana. Even flavored banana chips will still have a recognizable banana flavor even though the spices might almost overpower it.

Plantain Chips

What Are Plantain Chips Ingredients?

The basic ingredients for plantain chips are plantains and vegetable oil (depending on the producer). A popular oil option is coconut oil too.

Unlike other types of chips, even flavored versions of the plantain chip do not have an excessive ingredient list.

How Are Plantain Chips Made?

The large-scale production of plantain chips generally looks like this:

1. Plantains are boiled for a minute after they are harvested and transported (to make peeling easier).

2. They are peeled and sliced, so they are just the right thickness for chips.

3. The plantain slices are then deep-fried in a machine that ensures each side is properly cooked.

4. After being cooked, the plantain chips are moved into a sort of tumbler in which seasoning is sprinkled on them (which one depends on what kind of chip is produced at that time).

5. The last step is the removal from the tumbler and then to the packaging stage.

Where Can I Buy Plantain Chips?

Nezka Plantain Chips - Delicious Crunchy Snacks and Side Dish | Chips de plátano Nezka - Deliciosos bocadillos crujientes y guarnición (1 Single Jar)

Plantain chips once used to be something more exotic and not that easy to find, but today, you will find a couple of varieties in most well-stocked grocery stores (usually in the snack aisles, sometimes in the international foods section).

If you like the convenience of shopping online, a whole world of plantain chip flavors opens up to you.

Like most things, buying Plantain Chips in bulk is the most affordable option as long as you have a way of storing them properly after you open them – if you buy Nezka Plantain Chips, they come in a handy container that will take care of the storage issue!

Plain Plantain Chips snack packs also make a great snack and will be popular with adults and children alike. They are a better option for lunch boxes than some other snack products.

BBQ Plantain Chips are tasty and a great alternative to more common BBQ-flavored chips like potato or corn.

Plantain chips also come in other great flavors, like Chili Plantain Chips or even seasoned Garlic Plantain Chips.

If you aren’t sure what kind of plantain chips you will enjoy most, a Plantain Chips variety pack is the best solution for you.

What Are Plantain Chips Nutrition Facts?

As there are different flavors of plantain chips – which are also produced by a variety of companies, the nutrition information differs slightly from pack to pack. So we have a look at some important numbers and their average.

One serving of plantain chips is usually 1oz / 30g (the size of most snack packs).

There are on average 150 calories, 8g of fat, and 20g of carbs in one serving.

Plantain chips also provide some fiber, minerals, and vitamins. They are quite a good source of vitamin C, E, K, and some B vitamins. Not bad for a tasty snack. So will you naturally ask:

Are Plantain Chips Good For Me?

Are Plantain Chips Good For Me

After reading the above, you might think the answer is yes, but not quite. While they are worlds healthier than some other types of chips, plantain chips are still chips.

Most of them are deep-fried, so they contain a lot of fat. They are also quite calorie-dense, so they aren’t that great if you want to watch your weight.

The mineral and vitamin content is great. These chips are

healthier than many other snacks, thanks to the lack of excessively long ingredient lists that are chock-full of artificial colors, flavors, and stuff you have no idea what it is.

While they aren’t 100% good, they are a good alternative!

Do Plantain Chips Taste Like Plantain?

Have you ever eaten plantain? If not, you’ll need to know that they taste different while they look like bananas. They are similar in taste but not as sweet and have a denser texture.

The lower sweetness is the reason why these are so good to use as a base for a variety of seasonings and flavors (whereas banana chips don’t work with many flavors). So the answer is: plantain chips only taste like plantains if you go for unflavored versions.


Which Is More Affordable?

Let’s take a look at which of the two chips is more affordable. The average price has been calculated by comparing similar products from various retailers.

  Banana Chips Plantain Chips More Affordable
Plain $0.70 per oz $0.60 per oz Plantain
BBQ $1.50 per oz $1.60 per oz Banana

There is not that much of a difference in pricing. Sometimes, you will find plantain cheaper than banana; sometimes, it is the other way around. Organic packs of both will generally cost quite a bit more.

Which Has The Better Texture?

Banana chips and plantain chips have a different texture than the other types of chips you are already used to. They are generally harder and not as crunchy.

Banana chips tend to be a little bit lighter than plantain chips as plantains is the denser of the two fruits. However, you will, in most cases, not notice much of a difference.

Which Has More Variety?

Plantain chips come in more flavors. This is because their own flavor lends itself to absorbing other flavors in a better way.

Banana chips, on the other hand, will always have that hint of sweetness which doesn’t go well with many savory flavors.

You will find that banana chips are typically combined with other fruity flavors, while plantain chips come in sweet and savory flavors.

Related Questions

Are Banana Chips the Same As Plantain Chips?

No. While bananas and plantains might look similar, they are different fruits. Bananas tend to be sweeter than plantains.

When you look for banana chips, you often get forwarded to pages about plantain chips – it’s a common mistake, and people often need clarification on these two. It’s even more confusing when products claim to be “banana plantain chips.” But no, they are definitely not the same.

Are These Better Than Other Chips?

In a way, they are. The ingredient lists for banana and plantain chips are generally a lot shorter than the ones for other chips (have you ever had a look at the ingredient list of some common chips?).

This means fewer artificial ingredients. Fewer questionable ingredients – less cancer risk-increasing ingredients! That’s good.

And then you have the vitamins and minerals that can be found in banana and plantain chips. These are also a plus.

However, it would be best if you did not forget that these are also processed foods that contain a lot of fat and carbs.

Can I Make Banana Or Plantain Chips In My Air-Fryer Or Oven?

If you have access to good quality bananas or plantains, nothing can stop you from making your own chips. These will be a lot healthier than the ones you can buy in a store. You’ll be in full control over the ingredients, and an air-fryer is so much better than a deep-fryer.

Can I Give These To My Dog?

Can I Give These To My Dog

You should never give store-bought chips of any kind to your dog – not even banana or plantain chips, as they are deep-fried and contain a lot of saturated fat. If you make your own at home, however, these will be a nice treat for your dog (unsweetened, unsalted, unflavored, unseasoned!).

Just keep in mind that your dog also should not overeat snack food. Obesity is not cute or healthy in dogs!

Can I Eat These While On a Diet?

Bananas and plantain chips are both high in calories, fat, and carbs.

They are only a good snack food for a diet if you are very disciplined (i.e., able to eat just one serving) and good at keeping track of all the calories you consume within a day.

Can Banana And Plantain Chips Be Rehydrated?

You can soften banana and plantain chips for baking and cooking. Still, you’ll never be able to turn dehydrated banana chips or plantain chips back into their original texture or consistency.

Conclusion – So, What Is The Difference When It Comes to Banana Chips vs Plantain Chips?

The main difference between banana chips and plantain chips is that plantain chips are better suited to take on a variety of flavors – sweet as well as savory.

Bananas are mainly good for sweet flavors or flavors that are enhanced by sweetness (e.g., barbeque).

Both are similar when it comes to nutrition, with plantains being slightly better as they contain more of the good stuff. Still, both are snack foods, and the amounts of helpful minerals and vitamins aren’t anywhere near high enough to call them healthy snacks.

It’s not a bad snack option, though – but as with all snack foods, there’s one rule: stick to the serving size and don’t overeat!