Do Grocery Stores Sell Thawed Turkeys?

Whole turkeys are usually on the tables for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sometimes, life can get in the way, and you’ll find yourself running out of time.

If you don’t have a defrosted turkey and need to cook a turkey the following day, you may wonder whether you can get a thawed one easily.

Do grocery stores sell thawed turkeys?

Yes, you can buy thawed turkeys in grocery stores. However, these are usually only found in October, November, and December.

If you would like to learn more about thawed turkeys, whether it’s better to buy a fresh turkey (and where), and why it’s harder to find whole turkeys outside of November and December, keep reading.

Do Grocery Stores Sell Thawed Turkeys?

Most grocery stores, especially big ones, sell turkeys all year around, but you are more likely to find whole, thawed turkeys towards Thanksgiving and Christmas – i.e., in November and December.

Can You Get A Non-Frozen Turkey?

Can You Get A Non-Frozen Turkey

A non-frozen turkey comes in two varieties: fresh or thawed.

A thawed turkey will have something along the lines of “previously frozen” written on its label.

Fresh turkeys are often not found in standard grocery stores. You are more likely to find these in grocery stores with a butcher’s/fresh meat counter. If they do not have any fresh turkey available, you can ask them whether they can get some in for you.

Sometimes, whole turkeys are stored in the back as they take up a lot of space.

When Should I Buy A Thawed Turkey?

A thawed turkey would be a great solution if you forgot to buy or defrost a turkey in time. Buying a thawed turkey is a good option if you need or want to cook a turkey within one or two days

Wait to buy a thawed turkey until 1-2 days before you want to use it. You should only keep a thawed turkey in a refrigerator for up to two days.

Should I Buy A Fresh Or A Thawed Turkey?

A fresh turkey that has never been frozen will always be the better option. The meat will be better quality as freezing meat will change its structure slightly. A fresh turkey will always be moister than a thawed turkey.

There is also a difference in how a thawed and a fresh turkey cook, so you must ensure you know how to cook your turkey.

Related Questions

Where Can I Find Fresh Turkey Near Me?

If you prefer a fresh turkey to a frozen or thawed one, you might choose a different option than a grocery store. Grocery stores with fresh meat counters often sell whole fresh turkeys towards Thanksgiving and Christmas.

However, these days, you can also order fresh turkeys online – and the selection is much more interesting than what you can find in grocery stores. Getting a mail-order turkey might sound a little strange, but you’ll be surprised about the quality.

You can get fresh turkeys of all sizes, even heritage turkeys, and turkeys with prepared stuffing and seasoning. These will be delivered in safe packaging, so you don’t have to worry about spoiled meat.

The other plus is: You can avoid the mad crowds that you usually encounter in grocery stores before the holidays!

How Long Can A Thawed Turkey Stay In The Refrigerator?

If you wrap the turkey properly (in plastic wrap), a thawed turkey can stay good for up to two days. However, cooking a thawed turkey as soon as possible is better to minimize the risk of multiplying bacteria and spoiled meat.

How Long Does It Take For A Turkey To Thaw?

There are different methods to thaw a turkey. Which one to use depends a lot on how much time you have before you want to cook the turkey.

If you aren’t in a rush and still have a few days before needing to cook it, you should defrost the turkey in your fridge. Depending on its size, this can take from two to six days.

A faster way to defrost a turkey is to put it in cold water (in its packaging). You need to change the water every half hour. Small turkeys (from 4 to 12 lbs) can be defrosted in two to six hours. Bigger turkeys (20 to 24 lbs) need 10 to 12 hours.

If you are in a rush, you could use a microwave to defrost a turkey. However, many microwaves aren’t big enough for a whole turkey. Microwave defrosting is also not the best way to defrost a turkey as you do need to cook the turkey right after.

And before you ask: Do not thaw a turkey on a counter at room temperature. This is just an invitation for bacteria to multiply and cause health issues.

Can I Freeze Thawed Turkey?

It depends on how and when you thawed the turkey. If you thaw the turkey in your refrigerator and it has been less than three days, you can safely freeze it.

However, you need to be aware that thawing, refreezing, and then thawing turkey meat can negatively affect the meat’s quality.

Never refreeze a turkey that has been thawed underwater or in the microwave.

Why Do Stores Not Sell Turkey All Year Around?

Grocery stores usually have turkey meat all year around, but you are more likely to find ground and sliced turkey, or turkey parts, like breasts.

Whole turkeys are sometimes available, especially in bigger grocery stores. Still, you’ll mainly find entire turkeys in the time between November and December (about 30% of turkey consumption in the USA happens during those two months).

The reason for grocery stores not stocking whole turkeys all year round is that whole turkeys take up a lot of space in the freezer, so grocery stores prefer to sell only turkey parts, turkey slices, or ground turkey.

Final Thoughts

You now have the answer to the question, “Do grocery stores sell thawed turkeys?” Hopefully, you have also learned a few more useful things about turkeys.

As long as you make sure you buy a thawed turkey at the right time, there’s nothing wrong with using a thawed turkey from a grocery store. If you have the option, however, buying a fresh turkey or a frozen turkey from a good grower is always preferable.