How Many Flavors of Pocky Are There? (Full List)

Pocky sticks are a fun snack for children and adults. They are easy to hold because not the whole biscuit stick is covered, and they taste great. Today, there are various flavors, so even if you do not like chocolate, there will be a Pocky snack for you.

But how many flavors of Pocky are there?

Seven regular flavors of Pocky are always available in the USA, and there is a changing number of special editions with limited availability. Internationally, there are about 50 different flavors of Pocky (some discontinued).

Sometimes, you can also get international editions via Amazon, but you might have to pay a higher price. They are imported products, and the sellers generally want to make a little profit.

Let’s look at what’s on offer and learn more about Pocky sticks and the company behind them.

Full List of Pocky Flavors – And Where To Buy Them

You can find the regular Pocky flavors in local supermarkets and other retailers. Like many brands, Pocky also has a handy store finder that helps you to find the closest store with Pocky products to your location.

Of course, online shopping is also an option, especially if you want to buy bulk packets or are interested in special editions and international flavors.

Now, let’s look into the details of how many Pocky flavors you can find online: Pocky Chocolate Cream Covered Biscuit Sticks 1.73 oz (Pack of 10)

The classic: Pocky Chocolate

Pocky Chocolate is the first Pocky stick that was sold. There is a reason why one end piece of this tasty morsel is not covered in chocolate! Initially, the biscuit sticks were hand-dipped into the chocolate, so chocolate never covered the part where the dipper held the stick.

Today, machines can cover the whole stick, but the uncovered bit is convenient for holding the stick; it has also become the classic look people connect with Pocky.

Pocky Strawberry is a good alternative if you aren’t a fan of chocolate or want some variety. You’ll love it if you enjoy sweet strawberry-flavored treats.

Pocky Cookies and Cream

Pocky Cookies and Cream takes another classic combination, cookies, and cream, and takes it to the next level: this Pocky stick is the best of two worlds.

Pocky Matcha

Pocky Matcha is quite a different taste experience and worth a try even if you think you might not like it. These are still quite sweet (but not too sweet) and add the taste of green tea. It’s a nice, refreshing kind of taste.

Pocky Banana

Chocolate and banana is a well-loved combo, and Pocky Banana turns it into a nice treat. The biscuit is made with chocolate and then covered in banana cream chocolate.

[ 5 Packs ] Pocky Chocolate Almond Crush Biscuit By Glico 1.45oz

Pocky Almond Crush

Pocky Almond Crush is a good choice if you like it extra crunchy. It is made with real almonds that are crushed and then mixed with chocolate to create the Pocky stick coating.

Pocky Crunchy Strawberry

Pocky Crunchy Strawberry is an upgraded version of the classic Strawberry Pocky. It has real strawberry bits in the coating, which gives it a different texture and makes it taste even more like strawberry. The other difference is that the biscuit is a chocolate one.

Pocky Variety Pack

There is also a Pocky variety pack which includes three packets of Cookies & Cream, six packets of Chocolate, and three packets of Strawberry – a total of 12 Pocky packets for you to enjoy.

Taste Of Japan Special Edition with Sakura Matcha Flavor

A very special edition of Pocky is the Taste Of Japan Special Edition with Sakura Matcha Flavor. These come in beautiful packaging and are a must if you love anything to do with Japan.

Wholesome Pocky

The Wholesome Pocky is a more recent addition to the line and is made in Thailand. It comes in two flavors: Blueberry and Chocolate Almond.

Choco Mint Pocky

Choco Mint is another flavor you are unlikely to find in local stores as it is a Japanese product. The taste of mint stands out most, while the chocolate flavor is relatively mild.

Pocky Mango

Glico Pocky Mango Flavour 25 gram x 4

Another international flavor is Pocky Mango, a rather interesting taste experience.

There are many other flavors of Pocky, but you will most likely have a hard time finding them unless you live in Japan or have access to a very well-stocked Asian supermarket.

Some examples of Japanese flavors are:

In Singapore, you can get your hands on the very interesting coffee-flavored Pocky X Ya Kun Kopi O.

So, when traveling to other countries, check out what your destination offers. You might find some interesting Pocky flavors!

Pocky Related Questions

Which Brand Is Behind Pocky?

Glico is the brand that produces Pocky. The company was founded in 1922 by the Japanese man Ri-ichi Ezaki. The company’s first product was “Glico Caramel,” a so-called “nutritious candy.”

Various other snack foods followed, and Pocky sticks were first introduced in 1966. They were the world’s first-ever chocolate-coated biscuit sticks.

Today, Glico is active in around 30 countries all over the world.

What Are The Pocky Ingredients?

The ingredient list for Pocky sticks is slightly different from flavor to flavor. For example, I have chosen the classic chocolate Pocky stick ingredients.

They are:

Wheat flour, sugar, chocolate liquor, blend of vegetable oils(sunflower oil, palm oil), whole milk powder, vegetable oil shortening(palm oil, hydrogenated palm oil), cocoa butter, salt, artificial flavors, yeast, soy lecithin, leavening(sodium bicarbonate), mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids.

Is Pocky Suitable for Vegans?

Unfortunately, a look at the ingredient list shows that vegans cannot enjoy Pocky. There is milk powder in it which is not a plant-based ingredient.

Some of the other Pocky flavors also include artificial ingredients, of which no details are given, so there may also be other ingredients that make this product unsuitable for vegans.

Are Pocky Sticks Bad For You?

Not exactly, unless you eat them excessively. They aren’t particularly good for you, but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying them as a snack or even letting kids enjoy them.

The fact is that Pocky sticks are calorie-dense (200 calories per serving, which equals one box) and contain lots of sugary carbs. In some cases, the calorie count is even higher (one of the worst offenders is banana chocolate with 340 calories).

These snacks will also not make you feel full, so they aren’t the snack to grab when you feel a little hungry. Just see them as an occasional, sweet treat, and you’ll be fine.

How Long Do Pocky Sticks Last?

After production, a packet of Pocky is good for at least one year.

The best-before date is printed on the bottom of each box.

While it is unlikely that you do not eat one serving in one go, it’ll be fine to store an opened box of Pocky sticks for quite a while – as long as you keep them in dry and cool conditions, preferably in an airtight container.

However, to prevent them from going stale or soggy, the best would be to eat them within 1-2 days after opening.

Is Pocky Gluten-Free?

Currently, no gluten-free versions of Pocky are available, but the producers are aware of the rising demand. They say that customers should keep an eye on their website, where they will announce new products, including a possible gluten-free Pocky.

Final Thoughts

Your question “How many Pocky flavors are there?” has been answered, and you also learned a few interesting things about Pocky.

Pocky’s slogan is “Share Happiness,” so don’t forget to share your favorite Pocky flavor with other people now and then.