Do Whole Foods Stores Sell Christmas Trees?

Every December, decorating a Christmas tree is a beloved tradition in many homes. Your options really are to either cut your own tree on a farm or buy a plastic one at the closest superstore. Does Whole Foods sell Christmas trees?

If you do your shopping at Whole Foods, you may have noticed that they are now selling real Christmas trees before the holidays. This is a new option and allows you to enjoy greater convenience while still getting to enjoy a real tree.

To prevent negative environmental impact, trees are only available at locations where they can be sourced nearby.

Do Whole Foods Stores Sell Christmas Trees?

Recently, Whole Foods has started to sell real trees in many of its’ locations. This is subject to availability and supply, so check with your local store for current information.

Whole Foods does not sell plastic fake Christmas trees.

When Can I Buy a Christmas Tree from Whole Foods?

Whole Foods gears up its Christmas sales, including the Christmas trees, after Black Friday. The time trees become available will vary a little by location and from year to year, but you can start looking for them around the beginning of December.

Are the Christmas Trees at Whole Foods Good Quality?

In my experience, the Christmas Trees at Whole Foods are of good quality, you will also be able to choose the one you like and check it over for defects.

Are the Christmas Trees at Whole Foods Good Quality

Are Whole Foods Christmas Trees Organic?

Yes, all Whole Foods products are organic, even their Christmas trees are. You won’t find Whole Foods using pesticides and artificial chemicals on their trees.

Where are They Sourced From?

Whole Foods has recently spoken about how seriously they take the risk of invasive species when importing trees. Therefore, all their Christmas trees are grown near the store they are sold from. Unfortunately, this means trees are not available at every location, and supplies are limited.

How Do I Buy a Christmas Tree from Whole Foods?

Real Christmas trees are kept outside to keep them cold. This prevents the tree from losing moisture and then needles too quickly. You’ll usually find the Christmas Trees for purchase out front in the parking lot with attending employees.

How Do I Buy a Christmas Tree from Whole Foods

How to Buy a Whole Foods Christmas Tree (Step-by-Step)

1. Approach the area where the trees are displayed.

2. Look for the Christmas tree you like from the available selection.

3. Once you’ve chosen your tree, approach the attending employee or customer service desk.

4. Ask the employee if you will pay inside the store or with him (this varies by location).

5. Pay for your tree.

6. Show him the one that you want, and he will remove it from the display.

7. After taking it off the display, he will wrap it in netting and trim the bottom.

8. You will then need to haul the tree home yourself, having a truck is the best option but you can fasten them to a car with proper straps.

Where Should I Store a Real Christmas Tree?

Once you buy your Christmas tree, you’ll want to keep it wrapped in its net somewhere cold but dry (outside under a carport or similar is usually best). This preserves the tree and protects it. Don’t bring the tree into your home until you are ready to decorate it.

Final Thoughts

Buying a Christmas tree from Whole Foods gives you the opportunity to enjoy a real tree without having to do the dirty work yourself. These trees are organic and locally grown. You can expect to see Christmas trees on sale around the beginning of December in participating locations.

To buy a Christmas tree, simply ask about it from the customer service desk or an attending employee near the display.