Does Whole Foods Sell Pregnancy Tests?

Many grocery stores and superstores make pregnancy tests easily accessible. However, because of the values of Whole Foods, consumers are sometimes unsure of what they do and do not offer. Does Whole Foods sell pregnancy tests?

No, Whole Foods does not sell pregnancy tests however they do carry some pregnancy-related products including prenatal vitamins, ovulation test kits, and high-quality moisturizing lotions.

For more proof, I was at Whole Foods today and they did have any pregnancy tests available for purchase. Furthermore, you can also see that they tweeted in 2017 that they do not carry pregnancy tests, see the tweet below:

Where Else Can I Buy a Pregnancy Test?

Most grocery stores sell pregnancy tests, and all pharmacies sell pregnancy tests. You can even find them available in gas stations and convenience stores. You can actually find pregnancy tests at 7 Eleven locations.

FIRST RESPONSE Comfort Check Pregnancy Test, 8 Count

In recent years, the most popular place for people to buy pregnancy tests is online. You can get a pregnancy test delivered right to your door from Amazon, check out the First Response 8 pack here on Amazon.

Does Whole Foods Sell Condoms?

Does Whole Foods Sell Condoms

Yes, most Whole Foods locations do sell condoms. Here are some of the Whole Foods condoms that are currently available:

Does Whole Foods Have a Pharmacy?

No, Whole Foods does not have a pharmacy. Instead, you will find a limited selection of supplements and vitamins at their locations.

What are Some Pregnancy-Related Products from Whole Foods?

Whole Foods Pregnancy Test FAQs

When should I take a pregnancy test?

Some pregnancy tests can now detect a pregnancy as soon as one week after conception. However, make sure you are buying a sensitive enough test for your situation. The box should prominently show how quickly a given test can detect pregnancy.

Do I need a prescription to buy a pregnancy test?

Buying a pregnancy test does not require a prescription. In addition, grocery store pregnancy tests are just as sensitive as those used by doctors, so there is no advantage to seeking one through your health care provider.

Is there an age restriction to buying a pregnancy test?

Pregnancy tests are not age restricted anywhere in the United States or Canada. This means you will not need to present an ID at the time of purchase.

Are pregnancy tests over the counter?

Pregnancy tests are not over-the-counter products. Most stores have pregnancy tests near the feminine hygiene section.

How do I read a pregnancy test?

This varies slightly between brands. Usually, there is a control line, which will always show up after the pregnancy test is used. Then there will be a second line if the test returns positive.

Final Thoughts

Even though Whole Foods does not sell pregnancy tests, you can find other products for your reproductive well-being. These include supplements, condoms, and ovulation tests. If you need a pregnancy test, a pharmacy is very likely to carry them, or you can have them delivered by Amazon.