Do You Need Oil To Cook Scrambled Eggs?

For many, scrambled eggs are part of a good breakfast. Cooking them with oil, however, doesn’t fit in with many people’s health goals.

Or you simply forgot to buy a new oil bottle during your last grocery shopping trip. Whichever it is, your question is, do you need oil to cook scrambled eggs?

No, you might even get better results without using oil.

This article looks at how you can cook scrambled eggs without oil and the different methods. You also learn why oil might cause more issues when you use it for cooking scrambled eggs.

Can You Cook Scrambled Eggs Without Oil?

Have you ever eaten scrambled eggs in a hotel or restaurant and wondered why it is so watery or oily? I’m sure you have encountered some scrambled eggs that were less than ideal.

The problem in these cases is using a far too generous amount of oil. So you see, oil isn’t even that ideal for cooking eggs. Not only is the answer to the above question yes, but you might also get better results by avoiding the use of oil!

What Is A Good Alternative To Using Oil For Cooking Scrambled Eggs?

If you have no nonstick pan at home, you can use butter or margarine for cooking scrambled eggs. Butter can give scrambled eggs a nice taste and help with adding a bit of crispiness to the edges (if you like that).

You can also try cooking scrambled eggs by adding some water to the pan first, but cooking scrambled eggs that way requires some good cooking skills. Otherwise, you can end up with a fairly tough consistency.

What Is A Good Alternative To Using Oil For Cooking Scrambled Eggs

How Do I Cook Scrambled Eggs Without Oil?

There is no big secret to cooking scrambled eggs in a pan without oil. You just need to mix everything before adding the mixture to the pan. Depending on your recipe, this will include eggs (duh!), dried or fresh herbs, spices, maybe cream or milk, and maybe even some sliced or cubed veggies (peppers go well in scrambled eggs).

Once your mix is ready, heat the nonstick pan, add the mix, and then scramble away. Don’t let the eggs stick to the pan. Scramble them until they are of the desired consistency. Some like them still pretty wet, others want their scrambled eggs to be “dry,” and others want them to have a nice crust.

Can I Cook Scrambled Eggs In A Microwave?

An easy way to cook scrambled eggs without oil is by using a microwave. Again, just as above, make your mix.

Then put it in an appropriately sized microwave-safe bowl. Microwave the mix for half a minute, then stir and check the consistency. From then on, nuke it in 10-second intervals until the scrambled eggs are the way you want them.

Can I Cook Scrambled Eggs In A Microwave

Can I Cook Scrambled Eggs In An Air Fryer?

I love my air fryer – and yes, you can cook scrambled eggs in it, but it’s more complicated than just cooking scrambled eggs in a pan or a microwave.

So yes, you can. But would I recommend it? No.

In addition, you do need some cooking spray for this, so it’s not oil-free.

Final Thoughts

Scrambled eggs are tasty and enjoyable when prepared right (and nasty when not).

If you’ve come here wondering whether you need to cook them with oil, you now know that not using oil is better.

Making plain scrambled eggs in the microwave is an almost fail-proof method, but if you like to add extras like veggies, using a nonstick pan creates superior results.