Do You Need Oil To Cook Spam?

Spam is a popular tinned meat (pork-based) that has been around since 1937. It became popular because it’s savory, versatile, and incredibly easy to use.

But do you need oil to cook spam?

No, simply because you don’t need to cook spam at all. But even if you want to cook it, oil isn’t needed.

This article will teach you how you can prepare spam in various ways and why you don’t even need to fry it unless a recipe calls for it.

Can You Cook Spam Without Oil?

Spam is so versatile that a whole cookbook has been written about it (check it out here; you might find some great ideas). While many recipes mention oil, it is unnecessary to fry, warm, roast, or bake spam.

You can cook spam without oil in:

  • A pan (spam is fatty enough not to need extra oil)
  • A microwave
  • An air-fryer
  • An oven

You can even barbeque spam though that’s a lot of effort unless you already have the grill going for something else.

What Is A Good Alternative To Using Oil For Cooking Spam?

If you want to use something instead of oil, you could use these alternatives.

  • Coconut butter (preferably flavor-free)
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Bacon grease
  • Chicken fat
  • Butter
  • Margarine
  • Or even the oil from other canned goods like sun-dried tomatoes.

How Do I Cook Spam Without Oil?

Cooking spam in a pan without oil is just as easy as cooking it with oil.

Slice the spam into slices no thicker than 1cm. Preheat a non-stick pan, and add the spam and a splash of water if you feel like it’s not moving freely when you try to move it.

You don’t have to cook it for long enough to heat it through or until it’s lightly browned. You don’t want to overcook it, as overcooked spam isn’t nice.

How Do I Cook Spam Without Oil

Can I Cook Spam In An Air-Fryer?

Cooking spam in your air fryer is a good idea. You’ll get nice crispy slices of hot spam. I think there’s no better way of cooking spam without oil. In addition, it’s also very easy.

Preheat your air fryer to 200C / 400F and place slices of spam (no thicker than 1cm) in the basket in single layers.

Cook for five minutes, then turn the slices around and cook for another five minutes.

Remember that times can vary from appliance to appliance. Air fryers are powerful little machines, and you may have to reduce cooking times depending on your gadget.

Once you’ve cooked spam like that, you’ll never do it any other way.

How Long Do I Need To Cook Spam For?

You don’t need to cook spam for long, as eating straight from the tin is perfectly safe.

If you want to heat spam or use it in a recipe, cooking times depend on how you cook spam.

Times also vary depending on whether you leave the Spam in a slab, cut it into smaller slices, or scramble it to make it look like ground beef.

Just use your senses, does it look nicely browned? Does it feel warm or hot to the touch?

How Long Do I Need To Cook Spam For

Do I Need To Cook Spam?

In the end, you don’t even need to cook spam. You can eat it cold, e.g., just put it on a sandwich.

You can also use it in recipes without first cooking the spam separately. It’s an easy ingredient to work with – which is why it is so popular.

Final Thoughts

Spam is a long-lasting ingredient that is handy to have in your cupboard.

It’s easy to store, lasts for many years (unopened), can be used in dozens of different dishes, and is very easy to prepare – with or without oil.