Does Whole Foods Sell Toilet Paper?

There are many reasons you might want to buy toilet paper at Whole Foods. Maybe you’re tired, and don’t want to go to another store. Perhaps you trust Whole Foods’ values and want to make sure you are shopping only for eco-conscious products. Either way, you can find toilet paper at your local Whole Foods. This paper will be more expensive but is often also more environmentally friendly than toilet paper from drug stores or corner stores.

Does Whole Foods Have Toilet Paper?

Whole Foods carries its store brand of toilet paper, 365. Whole Foods’ 365 is available in 6, 12, and 24 counts. It is made from 100% recycled paper, contains no fragrances or dyes, and is whitened without chlorine bleach. You can also get 365 from Amazon.

Is Toilet Paper at Whole Foods Expensive?

Toilet paper from Whole Foods is more expensive than the industry average. You should expect to pay about 10% more per sheet than other comparable toilet papers. The company argues that this is reflective in greater quality, but several other companies can sell similar quality for cheaper prices.

Is Toilet Paper at Whole Foods Eco-friendly?

Whole Foods’ 365 is very eco-friendly, as you would expect from a Whole Foods product. It is free from dyes and fragrances, is 100% recycled, and is not whitened with chlorine bleach. The result is a product that is better for sensitive skin and produces less manufacturing waste than traditional toilet paper. For more information about Whole Foods 365 Toilet Paper (link to an article on eco-friendly toilet papers if available) see here.

Is Toilet Paper at Whole Foods Eco-friendly

Is Toilet Paper at Whole Foods Better Than at Trader Joe’s?

Not really, Trader Joe’s offers toilet paper with all the same characteristics as Whole Foods 365 without the markup. If you can easily choose between Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, Trader Joe’s is the more cost-effective choice, and you won’t need to compromise on quality.


Does Whole Foods Sell Paper Goods?

Sadly, many people overlook the non-food items on offer at Whole Foods. However,  Whole Foods carries paper towels, napkins, and toilet paper. All are made from 100% recycled paper.

Does Whole Foods Sell Paper Goods

Does Whole Foods Sell Plastic Silverware?

Many Whole Foods locations carry single-use silverware for when you must choose disposable cutlery. This silverware is more eco-friendly by being compostable. If you are unable to compost your cutlery, rest easy knowing that it will still easily biodegrade, unlike traditional plastic options.

Does Whole Foods Sell Garbage Bags?

Whole Foods sells garbage bags of a variety of sizes. You can find a bathroom, kitchen, and yard-sized garbage bags. These garbage bags are made from recycled material or are even compostable.


In a pinch, you can find eco-friendly toilet paper on offer at Whole Foods. Whole Foods 365 is chlorine bleach, fragrance, and dye-free. It is also composed of 100% recycled paper. However, the Whole Foods store brand is more expensive than other alternatives such as Trader Joe’s eco-friendly toilet paper or Amazon Basics.